Books – My First Thomas & Friends: Baby Record Book
€6.95Treasure precious moments forever with this cute baby record book.
Capture baby’s first steps, words and other important milestones throughout their first year in this book that will create a lifetime of memories.
Books – Never Stop Believing – (Igloo Books)
€2.50This wonderful story takes readers on a magical adventure through the world of imagination. Meet unicorns, superheroes, fairies and many more exciting characters in this amazing, fun-filled storybook.
Books – North Parade Publishing – My Little Cloth Books
€5.95– Cloth books are best for babies under a year as they are easier for them to handle and can be washed more easily
– Perfect for travel
Books – North Parade Publishing – Shaped Vehicle Board Book
€2.95Cute shaped pocket sized board books
Books – Other Brother
€2.99Bon raised his hand as if to say hello to me, but I turned quickly away. I didn’t want anyone to know that we knew each other, much less that we were related.
Kieran wants to be part of the cool group at school. He wants to be on the football team. He wants to fit in. But his cousin Bon is different. Bon doesn’t know anything about fitting in. He doesn’t like playing sport; he wears his long, blond hair in a plait; and he speaks in a funny, precise voice. So when Bon joins Kieran’s school, Kieran is angry and embarrassed and wishes he would disappear. But can he just sit back and watch while his friends bully Bon? With unflinching honesty, Other Brother takes on childhood jealousy, family secrets, unexpected kindnesses and the crucial turning points when the path diverges between being popular and doing the right thing.
Written By: Simon French
Books – Passju
€14.95Ir-riħ li kien Ä¡ej mit-Tramuntana kien kessaħ kullimkien u kien qed iÄ¡orr miegħu kull xorta ta’ imbarazz. Deher il‑bieb ta’ darha jitbexxaq. Figura kemxejn abbattuta dehret tixref ’il barra. Eva. Fejn kienet sejra? Għalfejn kienet tmur bil‑mixi sal-palazz kull filgħaxija? X’konnessjoni kellu l-passju?
L-istorja teħodna fi żmien it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija f’Malta u fl-Uganda, fejn niltaqgħu ma’ Eva u l-imħabba ta’ ħajjitha – is-Surġent Maġġur Christopher Michael Steward.
Wara li jibdlulha l-apparenza, Eva tispiċċa spija fuq il‑Brigadier Frederick Ralph Henson u tgħix ħajja li mhix tagħha. Imma x’jiġri xħin tinkixef il-verità ? Tgħid is‑Surġent Maġġur kien verament mejjet? Min kien dak is‑suldat misterjuż li kien salvalha ħajjitha? U x’jiġri dakinhar tat-tieġ tagħha?
Dan ir-rumanz huwa rakkont drammatiku b’element senswali u xi ftit sopranaturali, li jdaħħlek f’intriċċi li jqanqlulek kurżità sa xħin finalment tinkixef il-verità . Imma x’inhi l-verità ? X’inhi l-vera mħabba?
Books – Pop Up Books – (Igloo Books)
€6.50 – €6.95– Each book comes with exciting pop-ups to discover in every scene
– Recommended age: 3+ years
Books – Pop-up Farm – (Little Me) – (Igloo Books)
€6.50– Let’s play peek-a-boo! With a large pop-up animal on every page, and engaging rhyming text
– Babies will enjoy playing this much-loved game with the farm friends -
Books – Puppy’s Big Rescue – (Igloo Books)
€2.50Little Puppy wants to be a good sheepdog, just like his dad. But each time he tries, Little Puppy just gets into trouble! Then, one night, there’s a strange noise in the sheep field. Is this Little Puppy’s chance to be a real sheepdog? Come and find out in this wonderful story all about being brave.
Books – Santa’s House Money Box, Book and Press-Out Models
€14.50– Pack of two pieces perfect for Christmas!
– One Metal Santas House Money tin, press out models & a charming 24-page Hardback storybook – My Letter To Santa
– Age 3+ years -
Books – Sensiela Ħrejjef Klassici
€3.95– Hrejjef Klassici popolari ma’ tfal ta’ etajiet zaghar ta’ bejn 6 u 10 snin
– Pagni mimlijin kuluri minn wara u quddiem -
Books – Sensiela Ħrejjef Klassici
€3.95– Hrejjef Klassici popolari ma’ tfal ta’ etajiet zghar ta’ bejn 6 u 10 snin
– Pagni mimlijin kuluri minn wara u quddiem -
Books – Serje ta’ Kotba ghat-Tfal (Baby Board Books)
€2.95– Dawn gew krejati bis-sehem tal-Agenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterizmu
– Jigu rekomandati ghat-tfal minn 0 sa 3 snin -
Books – Shaped Sound Board Books for Toddlers – (IglooBooks)
€6.30– Board Book
– Large, clear text throughout
– Emphasis on full-page illustrations to engage young readers to take part in storytelling
– Press the button to hear me! -
Books – Snow Globe Feature Books – (Igloo Books)
€8.25– 2 Different titles to choose from: “The Dancing Dolphin” and “Fairy Poppy’s Magic Wish”
– Fairy Poppy’s Magic Wish
Poppy’s sister Rosebud, gets all the best things and it’s not fair! When Rosebud receives a magical new wand, Poppy takes it for herself. It’s not long, however, before Poppy realizes that some things are only best when in the right hands. Join Poppy on a journey of discovery that shows how helping is the best magic of all.– The Dancing Dolphin:
Dani Dolphin is new to Rainbow Reef. Everyone is amazed by her fantastic dancing. . . all except Jacob Jellyfish. He’s the best dancer! Will Dani shine at the dance contest, or will jealous Jacob stop her? Read this sparkling underwater story to find out!Cover comes with an enclosed pouch that has a snow globe effect with star or dolphin sequins. Fun to play with, without the mess!
– Age: 3+ years -
Books – Sound Books – (Igloo Books)
€12.50 – €12.51Cheeky Monkey and Friends:
– Join in the noisy fun with Cheeky Monkey and all his friendsNoisy Vehicles:
– Hop aboard and go on a journey with Blue Train as he visits lots of vehicle friends.– 2 different board books with 8 different sound tabs
– Battery included -
Books – Squishy Sounds Books – (Igloo Books)
€13.50– On the Farm:
Duck is the noisiest animal on Cherry Farm, but his constant quacking is starting to annoy all of his friends. With three squishy sound buttons to press, reading time has never been so fun!
– Things That Go:
It’s the day of the Zoom Town race, but everything is going wrong for Clumsy Car! Can his friends help him reach the finish line? With three squishy sound buttons to press, this fun story is all about working together. -
Books – Star Learning Diploma – Multiplying and Dividing – 6-8 Years – (Igloo Books)
€2.50The exercises in ‘Star Learning Diploma’ reinforce school-time learning and activities to give children extra confidence in assessment test and classroom participation. Clearly explained and brightly illustrated, ‘Star Learning Diploma’ takes children step-by-step through all the essential school topics. Gold tick stickers reward effort and there are 20 stars to be positioned on the tear-out diploma to encourage progress
Books – Stejjer Mill-Bibbja
€12.00L-isbah storja li qatt inkitbet, ghat-tfal iz-zghar. F’dan il-ktieb issib aktar minn sittin storja mehuda mill-Bibbja u li gew maghzula kollha kemm huma ghat-tfal iz-zghar.
Huma kollha stejjer mill-isbah, miktuba b’mod mill-aktar semplici biex it-tfal jiehdu pjacir jaqrawhom u aktar u aktar jisimghuhom.
L-illustrazzjonijiet huma tassew attraneti – dan il-ktieb huwa rigal sabih ghal tfal ta’ l-eta bejn 6 u 10 snin. -
Books – Stejjer Mill-Bibbja Għaż-Å»għar
€9.00Siltiet biblici fl-original Ingliz mehuda jew addattati mill-Good News Bible, pubblikazzjoni Bible Societies u HarperCollins Publishers, American Bible Society 1994
Books – Super Me! – (Igloo Books)
€1.95Jacob is pretty much afraid of everything, but especially school, spelling tests and sprouts. Then, one day, he decides to face his fears by making an awesome mask that transforms him into a superhero. Join Jacob on his quest to become brave in this super-fun tale, perfect for an adventurous storytime.
Books – The Amazing Journey – (Igloo Books)
€1.95Ben loves zooming with his toy car, galloping with his toy horse and whizzing with his toy helicopter, but he deams of having a real adventure with them. Will his wish ever come true? Find out inside this amazing storybook, perfect for little adventurers everywhere.
Books – The Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Book
€7.00Whether you are looking to tone up, lose some weight or just get in shape, here is a complete guide containing all you need to get started on your new fitness programme.
Step by step exercises covering all body areas
Warming up and cooling down exercises to keep your body safe
An easy to follow twelve week exercise planner
Advice regarding diet, body type and a healthy lifestyle
Books – The Best Dad in the World – (Igloo Books)
€2.50Little Gorilla thinks he has the best dad in the whole world. Dad might wear terrible sweaters, be awful at repairing things and an embarrassment on the dance floor, but there’s never a dull moment when he’s around. Little Gorilla gets to do loads of exciting things. He’s got the best dad in the world, so it’s impossible not to have fun!
Books – The Dinosaur Adventures – (Miles Kelly)
€2.50 – €2.75– Brightly coloured illustrations
– Large, clear text throughout
– Emphasis on full-page illustrations to engage young readers to take part in storytelling -
Books – The Four Unicorn Stories – (Miles Kelly)
€2.50 – €3.99– Brightly coloured illustrations
– Large, clear text throughout
– Emphasis on full-page illustrations to engage young readers to take part in storytelling -
Books – The Magic Handbag – (Igloo Books)
€1.95Princess Annabelle is ready for a big adventure. When she stumbles across a magical, glowing handbag, will all of her dreams finally come true? Find out in this enchanting story. Full of mischief and magic.