Books – At The Zoo – (Igloo Books)
€10.80– Learn all about animals with this noisy, fact-filled book
– Board book with 10 different sound tabs
– Battery included -
Books – Autumn Publishing – Serena Valentino Series
€2.99– Poor Unfortunate Soul:
How did the sea witch, Ursula, become so twisted and filled with anger and hatred? Determined to be with her new love, Ariel makes a dangerous deal with Ursula. Will the cost of losing her enchanting voice and nearly her soul prove too high for Ariel, or will the power of good prevail? Losing then finding one’s voice is at the heart of the classic story of The Little Mermaid.
– Fairest of All:
How did the wicked queen become so evil?
When the King asks for her hand in marriage, the beautiful daughter of a cruel mirror-maker accepts, hoping her fortunes will change for the better… but will they?
This is the untold tale of love, loss and dark magic behind the classic story of Snow White.
– The Odd Sisters:
When the truth about the odd sisters is revealed, will anything be the same again? Throughout the course of time, three witches – Lucinda, Ruby and Martha – have changed the fates of the greatest villains ever known. They’ve turned innocents into monsters and left chaos in their wake. Now those they have wronged throughout the many kingdoms demand justice and the secrets of the twisted, diabolical odd sisters are about to be revealed…– Suitable for young adult readers
Books – Barrington Stoke – School Spelling Dictionary
€8.99When students lack an extensive range of sound/letter correspondences, dictionaries can be of limited use. A struggling speller may well look for ‘giraffe’ under ‘j’ and photo under ‘f’.
A fresh new edition of this highly acclaimed and strong selling dictionary. This book allows students to use phonic attack to find both regular and irregular spellings. Students can look up a word as it sounds – if they are correct, they will find it in black, if they are wrong they will find it in red, with the correct spelling in black alongside. Designed for use from Key Stages 1 to 3, the School Spelling Dictionary is ideal for improving spelling and writing.
– Accessible, Dyslexia-friendly layout
Books – Bath Books – (Igloo Books)
€3.95– Join in the fun with this squishy, waterproof book, perfect for bath time
– An assortment of 5 different books to choose from -
Books – Bedtime Stories – Minnie
€2.80Learn the colours of the rainbow with Minnie Mouse in this board book, which is perfect for bedtime reading.
Books – Bella Berger
€9.00Bella ma kinitx ghalkollox komda b’persunitha. Kienet tinheba go flokkijiet wesghin u l-gins kienet issibu komdu ghal kull okkazjoni. Kultant xtaqet tkun bhal habibitha, Jasmine, bl-ghadam ta’ genbejha mqabbez ‘l barra jew bhal ohtha Darlene, b’figura ta’ ballerina. Marvin ta’ hdejhom minn dejjem kien nitfa ta’
Imma ghaliex in-nies jiggudikawk minn kif tidher aktar milli x’taf taghmel? U ghalfejn dawk ta’ madwarek jibqghu jinbidlu? Jew jiddettawlek x’ghandek tibdel biex tidher ahjar? Shabek ikollhom genn biex jikbru, jew iwarrbuk imbaghad jergghu jkellmuk xhin ikun komdu ghalihom.
Dawk li tkun thobb tibza li jitilqu? In-nanna Bianca se tibqa’ maghha, tirrakkontalha, tinkoraggiha f’holmietha? U Bella kienet lesta li tinbidel? Kienet lesta li tikber? -
Books – Bertu: Ħabel tat-Tajjar
€19.95Miktub minn Charles Micallef St John.
L-Awtur ta’ ‘Suwed Ulied il-Lejl’
Books – Best Friends Forever – (Igloo Books)
€2.50Little Bear was lonely in his new house. He missed his friends, Badger, Bunny and Mouse. He decided to write them a letter, but he never guessed what would happen next! With beautiful illustrations by Xenia Pavlova, this delightful tale will be treasured forever.
Books – Bewsa tad-Demm
€12.95Kull bniedem ghandu l-punt fragli tieghu: flus, poter, xewqat, kilba, passjonijiet. M’hemm hadd li jista’ jghid li m’ghandu xejn. Imma meta f’qalb il-bniedem jibda jnebbet gherq il-mibeghda u l-ghira, hemmhekk ma jkunx hemm triq ohra ghajr it-triq lejn l-abbiss.
F’din l-istorja, minbarra li mmissu mill-qrib mal-flus, poter, xewqat, kilba u passjonijiet, inhossu wkoll it-tahbita tal-polz tal-vittma, ir-rabja tal-assassin, kif ukoll it-tahlita tal-mibeghda senswali mohbija taht il-maskra tal-imhabba mirquma sabiha taht id-dawl kiebi tax-xemgha! U bhalma l-imhabba kapaci taqsam il-qlub fi tnejn, hekk ukoll kapaci taghmel il-mibeghda!
L-imhabba u l-mibeghda huma differenti biss mill-qalb ‘il gewwa? mill-qalb ‘il barra jidhru li huma l-istess, linja biss hemm bejniethom, fejn din tista tkun il-linja fatali! Fit-tnejn li huma tasal li tibki, fit-tnejn tasal li twegga? u sahansitra fit-tnejn li huma kapaci jkun hemm bewsa! Imma tghid? minn liema minnhom kapaci tohrog bewsa tad-demm?
Kitba ta’ Antoine Barbara
Books – Body Books – (Igloo Books)
€6.50– Take a peek inside your body
– Open up the chunky shaped pages, perfect for little fingers to explore, and learn about how your bodies work
– Age: 10m+ -
Books – Cottage Door Press – Fun Books with Finger Puppet
€6.99– Adorable collection of fairy tales are brought to life by the cute finger puppet characters included with every title
Books – Daqqa Ta’ Ħarta
€14.95Il-vera mhabba. Dik li ggaghlek thoss sentiment profond ghal xi hadd li tkun ghadek qatt ma rajt qabel. U dik l-imhabba bejn missier u bint.
Daqqa ta’ harta.
F’dik il-frazzjoni ta’ mument qabel ma lahqet tathielu, Alba ndunat li dak il-wicc dahqan kien jappartjeni lil guvni twil, ghajnejh cari blu bl-isfar ikangi go fihom.
Il-hin kien waqaf. Ghajnejha f’ghajnejh. Izda issa kien tard wisq.
Deshan beda johrog mal-habiba taghha Zara. Lejl ta’ maltemp.
X’jigri bejn Deshan u Alba? U dakinhar tal-festin ta’ gheluq snin habibitha?
Ilhna fid-dlamijiet. Libsa mcarrta.
Ghalfejn Alba kienet thoss li l-mewt ta’ Zara kienet fuq spallejha?
X’rabta kien hemm bejn missier Alba u Deshan?
Ballu tal-maskri. Il-Milied. Strangier fuq vapur. Notamenti.
Dan ir-rumanz huwa rakkont emozzjonali fuq il-vera mhabba b’element sopranaturali li jqanqallek kurzita’ halli tiskopri t-tmiem tieghu li mhux mistenni.
Daqqa ta’ harta?
Daqqa ta’ harta kienet il-bidu ta’ kollox.
Nixtieq inregga’ l-arlogg lura.
Halli inti tkun tieghi.
Tieghi biss.
Sal-ahhar nifs.
Books – Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
€5.20– Monochromatic lined illustrations
– Large, clear text throughout
– Emphasis on full-page illustrations to engage young readers to take part in storytelling -
Books – Dinosaur Shaped Board Books
€2.95– An assortment of 4 different books to choose from
Books – Disney Bedtime Storybooks – (Igloo Books)
€2.80 – €2.99– 9 different hardback storybooks available to choose from with attractive illustrations for children
Books – Disney Elena and the Secret of Avalor
€2.50For many years, the kingdom of Avalor has been controlled by an evil sorceress while the true ruler of Avalor, Princess Elena, has been trapped inside an enchanted amulet. Can Princess Sofia unlock the secret of the Amulet of Avalor and help Elena win back her throne?
Books – Disney Fun Stories & Multiple Sounds – (Igloo Books)
€7.95– Each and every book has coloured illustrations from the movies
– Four sounds that play at random -
Books – Disney Hardback Cover Books – (Igloo Books)
€2.50– Each and every book has coloured illustrations from the movies
Books – Disney Lenticular Hardback Cover – (Igloo Books)
€4.95– Each and every book has coloured illustrations from the movies with an eye-catching lenticular hard cover.
Books – Disney Princess Storybook & Charm Necklace – (Igloo Books)
€9.50– 2 Hardcover books to choose from: Beauty & the Beast and Mermaid
– Each book includes a necklace with charm related to the story & coloured illustrations inside
– Beauty & the Beast with Yellow charm, Mermaid with Turquoise charm
– Ideal as gifts for girls aged 4 – 8 years -
Books – Disney Storybooks – (Little Readers)
€3.20 – €4.20– More than 12 different storybooks available to choose from with attractive illustrations for children
Books – Disney: Twisted Tales
€12.74– Start your Twisted Tales collection with this super slipcase featuring three exciting twists on the well-known tales
– Contains: Once Upon a Dream, A Whole New World & As Old As Time
– Suitable for young adult readers -
Books – Ejjew Nilghabu Flimkien
€5.95Fir-raħal ċkejken ta’ Ħal Xemxi t-tfal kollha jħobbu jilagħbu flimkien.
Ejjew niskopru xi logħob sabiħ li qed jilagħbu.
Tpinġijiet ta’ Lewis Zammit
Books – English – With Test book
€3.95Gold Stars KS2 Age 9-11 English (Gold Stars Ks2 Workbooks)
Books – Eyewitness Football – (DK)
€6.50– A unique look at the world’s favourite sport from the techniques of the game to the world’s biggest tournaments. Also includes a full-colour poster
Books – F’Radda ta’ Salib
€12.95Min kien sewwasew Patri Franġisk? U kif daħlet Claudia fil-ħajja tiegħu?
“Għinni, Patri Franġisk… Neħtieġ tassew l-għajnuna tiegħek!”
“Tersaqx… Tersaqx qribi… mara…”
Patri Franġisk kien bniedem li jaf jaħseb u jirrifletti. Quddiem it-tentazzjoni ħsiebu mar fil-Madonna li tagħha kellu l-ikbar devozzjoni… imma mid-dehra l-Madonna kienet abbandunatu.
Le… ma setax ikun…
U Leli? X’ried minn Claudia?
Għaliex ried jagħmel minn ħajjitha tapit? Wara kollox, hi kienet taħdem għalih… Magħha ma kien jonqsu xejn… Mela għax ħalef vendetta?
Books – Findout! – (DK)
€5.95 – €9.50– Animals
DK find out! Animals teaches kids everything they would want to know about the animal kingdom– Human Body
DK find out! Human Body will satisfy any child who is eager to learn and acquire facts – and keep them coming back for more– Climate Change
DK find out! Climate Change encourages children to think more about the world around them and is a great aid for any school project on climate change -
Books – Finger Puppet Books – (Parragon)
€5.50– 2 different finger puppet books to choose from
Books – First Numbers With Playtime Sounds – (Igloo Books)
€9.60– Count from 1 to 10 with Puppy, Kitten and Mouse, and press the sound buttons for lots of noisy fun!
Books – First Time Learning Preschool Books
€2.50With expert-reviewed content, these fantastic books will build your child’s confidence and knowledge in essential school subjects. By working through the engaging activities with your child, you can help them prepare for their first years at school.
Packed with fun practice activities and colorful stickers to reward effort and good work, these books are the perfect first steps in your child’s school journey.
Suitable for children aged 3 years and up.
Books – First Words With Playtime Sounds – (Igloo Books)
€9.60– Learn new first words with Charlie the cow, Sam the sheep and Clara the chicken and press the sound buttons for lots of noisy fun!
Books – Fun Books With Google Eyes – (Igloo Books)
€2.60– This adorable collection is brought to life by the cute illustrated characters and their google eyes.
– Each and every book is hardback.
Books – Fuq il-Palk tal-Hajja
€12.95Illum in-novella reġgħet qabdet ritmu tajjeb fost il-qarrej Malti. Dan wieħed jistennieh f’dinja mgħaġġla bħal din li qegħdin ngħixu fiha.
Din il-ġabra tħaddan madwar 20 novella. Il-kittieb Ingliż William Shakespeare jimmaġina l-bnedmin bħala atturi; kull attur għandu parti x’jaħdem skont il-qasam li jkun fih. Għaldaqstant, il-ktieb iħaddan temi differenti li flimkien jagħtu stampa sħiħa tal-ħajja umana kontemporanja. Il-qarrej se jsib temi pożittivi u oħrajn negattivi; temi bħall-imħabba, is-solidarjetà, it-tjubija, il-ħniena; imma se jsib ukoll temi bħat-tradimenti, il-qerq, il-vjolenza, l-abbuż u l-isfruttament tal-persuni.
Fuq il-palk tal-ħajja hu ktieb ta’ rilassament, imma fl-istess ħin imbuttatura biex iġġiegħel lill-qarrej jifhem dak li qed iseħħ madwaru.
Books – Gayle Forman – Just One Day
€4.99From the author of the international bestseller, IF I STAY, now a major film starring Chloe Grace Moretz.
When sheltered American good girl Allyson “LuLu” Healey first meets laid-back Dutch actor Willem De Ruiter at an underground performance of Twelfth Night in England, there?s an undeniable spark. After just one day together, that spark bursts into a flame, or so it seems to Allyson, until the following morning, when she wakes up after a whirlwind day in Paris to discover that Willem has left. Over the next year, Allyson embarks on a journey to come to terms with the narrow confines of her life, and through Shakespeare, travel, and a quest for her almost-true-love, to break free of those confines.
Perfect for fans of John Green, Just One Day is the first in a sweepingly romantic duet of novels.
Books – Ġomina: Riħ id-Destin
€14.95Amira, Aldo u Alan huma tliet tobba żgħażagħ. Amira hija bint tabib Palestinjan u omm Maltija. Qribhom ikun hemm Danielle, infermiera b’esperjenza ta’ vjolenza domestika traġika li tbegħedha minn missierha.
Fix-xenarju tfeġġ ukoll tabiba Franċiża li Amira u Aldo jagħmlu ħbieb magħha waqt esperjenza fil-Palestina.
Jinbet interess kbir dwar dar antika tan-nanna ta’ Amira f’Malta, li jkollha xebh straordinarju ma’ dar simili f’Pariġi u rabta ma’ kavallier ta’ żmien it‑Templari.
Sadattant, fil-ħajja ta’ Danielle jerġa’ jfeġġ missierha, b’xi ħadd isus warajh sal-punt li jipprova joqtlu minħabba ċavetta misterjuża.
Jiġri wkoll li Amira u Danielle jsibu ruħhom weħidhom, wiċċ imb wiċċ ma’ żewġ kriminali mgħammdin u armati, wieħed minnhom midrub u l-ieħor jaf lil missier Danielle.
’Il fejn jonfoħ riħ id-destin f’dan kollu?
Books – Ġomina: Ħabel tat-Tajjar
€19.95Miktub minn Charles Micallef St John.
L-awtur tas-sensiela ‘Suwed Ulied il-Lejl’
Books – Gużi
€5.00Kitba ta’ Monica Gatt
Ġużi jafda fil-kliem sabiħ ta’ Toni meta dan jissuġġerilu biex jagħmel bħalu u jemigra lejn l-East End ġewwa Londra. Toni jdaħħlu jaħdem bħala bouncer fl-istess night club fejn jaħdem hu f’Soho. Iż-żagħżugħ qatt ma ħaseb ħażin f’sieħbu Toni u qatt ma basar li ħabibu kien membru ta’ ċirku kriminali u li kien qiegħed jingannah.
Bil-manuvri ta’ Toni u ta’ Dim the Greek, Ġużi jsir kompliċi bla ħsieb f’serqa kbira.
Il-ġrajja sseħħ f’Londra u f’Malta fl-1961.
X’konnessjoni seta’ kien hemm bejn ‘Is-Serqa tas-Seklu’ f’Londra ma’ każ ta’ qtil fin-Naxxar?
U fuq kollox, Jenny, it-tfajla Ingliża ta’ Ġużi, x’sehem kellha f’dan kollu? Wara tant taqtigħ il-qalb x’jiġri minn dawn it-tnejn? -
Books – Hadd ma Jista’ Jisghol jew Jaghtas fil-Pubbliku – (BDL)
– Ir-Raba’ Ktieb mill-grajja illustri ta’ Kartaksan
– Dan ir-rakkont mhux dwar Grancella … dik li kienet timxi b’lura u trabbi l-friefet il-lejl. Din hija storja dwar l-erba’ wliedha. Insomma … aktar dwar Fulda, iz-zghira nett! U aktar importanti minn Fulda hija bintha: Rampa. Ghax issa ghaddew hafna snin u dawn l-erba’ ahwa lkoll qabzu s-sittin sena. Imma Grancella se tidhol xi ftit ukoll. U anki zewgha Frangello … ghalkemm dan donnu se jmut qabel ma jitwieled. Izda, fuq kollox, din hija storja dwar l-epidemija li kienet hakmet lil Kartaksan, b’attakki ta’ … ta’ … ta’ … ta’ … Aaaaaaaaaccù. Skuzawni … na nistax inkompl—!Kitba ta’ Trevor Zahra
Books – Hajja Doppja
€12.95– Alberto kien fi triqtu lejn Sqallija. Kellu bzonn jindiehes ma’ xi familja biex ma jaghtix fil-ghajn. Fi ftit hin ghamel habib ma’ zewgt itfal. Malajr qabad jiddiskuti m’ommhom Zvetlana u spicca biex afda bagalja flus maghha. Zvetlana kellha tiehu decizjoni importanti li maghha gabet konsegwenzi serji.
– Alberto kien beda jissuspetta li martu kellha wicc haddiehor. Is-suspetti kibru meta martu harget tqila. Lydia kienet mara bla skrupli. Qatt ma kienet temmen li zewgha kien jissuspetta xi haga. Kienet tahseb li hu kien mohhu biss fil-flus.
– Alberto jfassal pjan biex isir jaf il-verità qabel jerfa’ r-responsabbiltà ta’ tarbija li kellu dubju jekk hix tieghu. Bil-pjan djaboliku tieghu jirnexxilu jbiddel id-destin ta’ bosta. Ghalih ma kienx jimporta li juza lin-nies. Ghalih kien jimporta biss li jasal fejn jixtieq.Kitba ta’ Kris Dimech
Books – Hal-Maqtugh u kitbiet ohra
€5.00F’din il-ġabra ta’ kitbiet, Spiteri Gingell jinseġ esperjenzi u ħsibijiet personali mal-ħajja, l-istorja, in-natura u l-kultura Maltija flimkien ma’ temi universali. X’inhi l-verità, il-ġustizzja jew is-sbuħija? Xi jfisser il-progress jew l-unur? Daqqa permezz ta’ proża u drabi oħra permezz tal-poeżija – xi kultant b’mod dirett iżda ġeneralment b’mod aktar sottili, kultant b’ċerta diqa u nostalġija iżda ferm aktar bl-umoriżmu, l-assurd u l-esaġerazzjoni – huwa jipprova jifhem u jwieġeb dawn il-mistoqsijiet skomdi li qajla nsibu risposta xierqa għalihom u ma joqgħodx lura milli jqanqal lill-qarrej biex jagħmel l-istess.
Kitba ta’ John Spiteri Gingell