The Top 5 Benefits of Student Printing Services
In the dynamic season of schooling, students are constantly seeking ways to enhance their academic journey. As the demand for convenience and efficiency rises, so does the importance of specialised services tailored to meet the unique needs of students. Student Printing Services is definitely one that tops the list. Offering multiple benefits that goes beyond […]

Rates for Saddle Stitched Booklet Printing
Our rates for printing of saddle stitched booklets are the following. Kindly note that prices for booklet pages is based on the booklet size. Therefore the rates for A5 booklets are based on the price per A5 page and the rates for A4 booklets are based on the price per A4 page. When estimating the […]

Rates for Large Format Printing
Our rates for large format printing are the following. Kindly note that in large format printing there is no price difference between printing in black only or in colour. Price changes depend on the type of print and the type of paper. The three types of print are shown below so as to provide a […]

Rates for Document Printing
Our rates were last revised in January 2022. We understand that our customers are sensitive to printing rates. Our rates encourage the reduction of paper usage. Therefore when printing on both sides of the paper we offer a discounted rate. Moreover, with volume we can achieve certain efficiencies and reduction in costs. Such reductions are translated […]

Guide to Document Printing
The purpose of this post is to explain in detail the steps and options available to place an order for printing of an A3 or A4 size document. Before proceeding with your order kindly note the following: All printing done using this service will have a 3 to 5mm white border margin on all sides […]

Printing Services
We are thrilled to announce that our online printing module has undergone a complete reconstruction to provide you with a more secure experience. At CopyQuick, we understand the importance of safeguarding your sensitive information, and we have taken significant measures to enhance the security of our printing services. Our upgraded online printing module now also […]